At Data Gardeners we have lived the data life from small scrappy startup to multibillion dollar public company. Today we use that knowledge to support companies move up the growth curve so they can focus on their business. We do this by working with you to build the core competencies you need to design, build, and deploy data products and platforms.

We focus on problems in the following steps:

  1. Audit. You bring us your burning data questions and we deliver how to get the answers. Or maybe you just need a second set of eyes on your solution. We write a detailed actionable report your data team can run with. 1-4 weeks.
  2. Design. You know what you want to achieve, but don’t know where to start. We can help you with a detailed roadmap for the data you need to collect, the methods to process it, and the reports to visualize it. 2-12 weeks
  3. Prototype and Build. You have a plan, and now you need help putting it in action. We can help catapult you forward to achieve your data vision faster. We can work as part of your team, or independently. 6-12 weeks

Whether you are looking to build a new data system from scratch or optimize your existing systems skip the hard bits.

Example Projects:

  • Customer Lifecycle Modeling: To operate your business most effectively, you need to understand the unit economics of your customers. Master your acquisition cost, churn and funnel optimization and lifetime value and attribute them to the levers that matter for your business.
  • KPI Modeling Identifying what you need to measure and then measuring it. It could be daily active users, gross merchandise volume, monthly recurring revenue, downloads. Creating a historically accurate picture of growth is harder than it sounds.
  • Fraud Detection: The web is a dangerous place. To successfully mitigate risk for you and your customers requires capturing and integrating external and internal datasets. These days it’s just table stakes.
  • Customer Support Modeling: Running a successful customer support service requires understanding the data behind every support interaction. In order to give your customers the experience they deserve you need to know how they are being served.
  • Data Warehouse Development: It’s boring, slow, and sometimes monotonous work. It’s also one of the first ways to get faster, accurate, and reliable analysis work that scales. We’ve built out and extensively modeled data for multiple warehouses.
  • Data Monitoring And Alerting Tooling: It’s all fun and games until you have a few 100 datasets on your hands depending on each other. When you scale data it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain for fresh and timely reports.
  • Application and DB Performance/Query Analysis: Slow or inefficient queries can bring an app and analysis process to a halt. Understanding what the code + queries are doing under the hood can mean the difference between a happy CFO reading their reports over breakfast or ….
  • Metadata: This is an often overlooked aspect of data, and will slow development to a crawl if not managed well.
